Richard Ward
Started in 2009, The Idea Lab is a design and development focused off shore company specialising in cut and sew products. Primarily we are focused in backpacks, handbags and garments.
We have slowly grown to become one of the leading companies in South China for start ups and new companies to begin their manufacturing experience.
We have established an office in Kuala Lumpur and are using Malaysia as a base to grow manufacturing opportunities for both Garments and Backpacks in Malaysia and around South East Asia.
We are committed to quality, customer service, client satisfaction. When you work with us, we cater as best we can to your requirements, minimum order quantities, and quality standards.
There are no upfront costs to enquire, and you can get a thorough appraisal on your project within 24-36 hours. Hit the email button below
We are busy and I don't have much time to keep the socials updated but check out the instagram page here